Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Implications of Nasal Congestion

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Nasal congestion normally refers to a stuffy or blocked nose. Sometimes we may find both our nostrils are completely blocked. As a result, we have no choice but to breathe through our mouth.

One might think have the impression that the cause of stuffy nose is due to abnormal amount of mucus clogging up the nasal passages. This is incorrect.

In fact, nasal congestion occurs when the mucosa within the nose becomes swollen. Another reason could be that the inferior nasal turbinates are exceptionally large.

A nasal turbinate is a long shell-like bone which protrudes into the breathing passage of the nose. It performs the function of warming and humidifying the inhaled air before it reaches the lungs.

Severe nasal obstruction impairs normal breathing by forcing patients to breathe through their mouth.

Infants with nasal congestion especially in the first few months of life can interfere with feeding and may cause life-threatening breathing problems.

Severely congested nasal passages can also lead to sinus headaches and sleep disorders. Allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever, is also linked to enlarged nasal turbinates.

This happens when the mucosal lining becomes inflamed due to the expansion of blood vessels within the mucosa with the onset of hay fever.

The resulting enlargement of the turbinates in turn obstructs the natural ventilation of the nasal passages and sinuses.

Causes of Nasal Congestion

-Hay fever and other allergies
-Sinus infection or sinusitis
-Overuse some nasal sprays

Allergies invariably also cause clogged nasal passages symptoms by releasing chemicals in the body that cause tissue swelling surrounding the turbinates.

Nasal blockage Treatment

Over-the-counter medicines can provide relief and make breathing easier. Decongestants are drugs used for shrinking the blood vessels in the mucosal lining of the nose.

However, decongestant nasal sprays and drops should not be used for more than 3 days because they cause rebound congestion when used for extended period of time.

Sinus infection and nasal congestion seem to be closely related. Successful treatment of nasal congestion problems can very well prevent sinusitis or sinus infection from recurring.

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