The beauty of starting a home-based business is that you don't really need any experience whatsoever. If you are careful, you can align yourself with a training program and a mentor who will guide and teach you everything you need to know.
One of the areas critical to long term success is constantly working on your personal development. This is also popularly referred to as "self help". The practice of self help became wildly popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the publication of Thomas A Harris, MD's book I'm OK, You're OK. Today, most people engage in some form of personal development, be it continuing education, reading or listening to books, watching a PBS program, or joining a support group.
Anyone seriously involved in business has a mentor and actively engages in personal development. The most successful business people read a personal development book every few days. They are honing their skills and learning from a very large Master Mind group.
An entrepreneur new to a home based business must start their library with the guidance of their mentor. A skilled and thoughtful mentor will instinctively know what work to start with and what the person is ready for next. There is no magic sequence. Every individual starts at a unique place and is ready at his or her own timing.
Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
This is likely the book every new entrepreneur has read, or at least has been told to read. Who wouldn't want to learn how to just think about being rich and have it happen? If the reader actually studies Think and Grow Rich, he will discover that it is quite an impactful work. Published in the 1930s, the personal issues Hill writes about are still relevant today. The thoughts and behaviors that hinder people's success in acquiring riches have been the same through the decades.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Probably one of the most popular books on finance written in modern times, Rich Dad, Poor Dad speaks to the everyday person. The main theme is our attitudes about wealth and how we prepare ourselves and children to be money smart. There are many financial revelations in this book which make it an excellent primer for those seeking to change their perspective on wealth.
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Olson teaches the concept of compounded interest in a whole new light. If you will just put a penny's worth of effort each day towards your goals, over time you will achieve them. If you are to be successful, you must make the Slight Edge philosophy a part of your daily attitude. Making a home-based business work takes a lot of time and effort. This has to happen over time: a little bit every day, done consistently.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
Habits are a matter of choice. We can choose to continue ineffective habits, or we can chose to change those habits into more effective ones. Covey goes into the depths of our attitudes (paradigms) and principles to help us identify "where we are coming from". Once we can identify which of our paradigms are keeping us from interacting effectively with others, we can work on changing them.
The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny by Dr. Wayne Dyer
An audio that delves deeply into the heart of what troubles many people about getting what they want out of life. Dyer's work is definitely for people who have already started on the path of personal development and have begun to make some breakthroughs. Dyer has some incredible insights and speaks from a level of spiritual understanding.
Personal development is an ongoing process. As you grow and change, you will find that when you revisit a self help book it may seem like you had never read it before. It's not that you forgot. You are simply seeing things through a different "pair of glasses". Perhaps you are seeing things clearly for the first time.
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