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If you want to write a book, you have to have a plot. It's got to be a plot that is unique and interesting, too. Otherwise, it won't hold anyone's attention.
One way to come up with a unique book plot is to draw from your own experiences. For example, if you have an unusual medical condition, you could write about growing up with such a condition. Also, if you had something odd happen to you in life, such as finding a lost love, seeing a ghost or being a victim of a robbery, those can make interesting plot points.
If you're more interested in making up a story from scratch, though, there are ways to come up with plots for those, too. One way is to sit down with a sheet of paper and a pen or in front of your computer. Then, just start writing the first words that come to mind. You might wind up with a strange list, like blue, apple, dog, sky, but it'll give you some starting points.
Another way is to work with characters first. Decide on character names and where those characters came from. For example, you might decide that your character should be named David and that he grew up in Hawaii. Once you have characters and back stories, the book may more or less write itself.
Remember that the plot is the glue that holds the story together. So, once you have a basic plot, you'll need to flesh it out and make it more well-rounded. That process could take a while, but it'll be worth it.
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