Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Three Keys to Maintaining Motivation

There are three keys to maintaining motivation.

1. DESIRE - to want to achieve your goals.

Only you can change yourself. You make the decision not someone else.

You must truly have the desire to achieve your goals and be committed to the tasks required to achieve them. Too many people give up at the first hurdle or obstacle they encounter. Their creative subconscious needs only to find one reason to take them back to where they think they belong - and that is having them believe that they are not capable or not worthy of success. That is the truth about goal-setting and also why some people don't believe that goal setting works.

2. BELIEF - that you can achieve your goals.

Confidence in your ability to succeed will drive you to overcome obstacles and setbacks. Think of where you are now and the skills you have acquired to get you to this point. Most people went to school. While not everyone may have finished to final year, a number of years were spent attending hundreds of classes and undertaking thousands of tests and assignments all for a result that you believed would affect you for the rest of your life. You may have believed that you were not worthy of certain vocations. Now is the time to get rid of those beliefs because they serve you no purpose for your future growth. Many of the world's most successful people never finished school and some were kicked out. However, the quality these individuals shared was a belief in their ability to succeed and rise above all the obstacles they encountered.

3. STRATEGY - to achieve your goals.

Your strategy needs to include short-term goals, which are specific and measurable. We always need to measure our progress so that we can alter our direction if we stray off-track. Too many people set long-term goals with no short-term goals. The result is often disappointment and they walk away believing that goal-setting doesn't work and consequently they lose their motivation.

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