Sunday, October 31, 2010
Secrets of the Sacred Ark - 8
Taking Back What Is Ours
We The People...are the basic tenets of why our country was formed, and why the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were incorporated into our government. " We The People" as American citizens are ensured though our birthright, and that fact that we are FREE men, certain rights bestowed upon us by our founding fathers. The reason our founding fathers went through such pains is to help ensure that "We The People" would not ever have to go through serfdom, and slavery that so many others before them had to endure from their government.
Our Federal government, most state and local governments have been infiltrated, and taken over by agents that answer to the international bankers, and large corporations. "We The People" have become little more than grist to be ground under the wheels of these people. We as a people need to start paying attention to how many rights, and privileges we have lost to the Federal government in the supposed need for safety from terrorists, and the like.
This brings up the question, how do We The People take back what is rightfully ours, and how do we make our government subservient to us, instead of us being subservient to them?. The purpose of this article is to show how it can be done.
First we need to recognize who and what is the enemy to our freedom, our Constitution, and our ability to function as free men and women, and not as indentured servants. The primary concern for all of us is to take back our legislatures on a Federal, and state level. This means that almost all incumbent Senators, and Representatives need to be voted out of office. If the incumbent voted for the trillion dollar bail out of the banks, he/she needs to be voted out of office. If he/she voted for HR 3534 to give control of our coasts, harbors, great lakes, and rivers to the United Nations, they need to be voted out. We need to vote for people who openly support the Constitution, and who's voting record proves that they are patriotic. We need to rise above the two party paradigm and vote for candidates that will represent their constituents, no matter their party, and not the people supplying them with money.
On a local level we need to elect county sheriffs that will stand up the the Feds and will keep them out of local matters that are entrusted to them by the Constitution. This point is very important. As long as we have courts to uphold the Constitution, we need to have strong people in charge that will stand up to the Feds, and take them to court if necessary to protect their people.
Third, we need to over throw the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed as it is called, is not Federal in that it answers to the government, but it is an independent corporation that is run by off shore bankers. Our entire money supply, and control is in the hands of foreigners! Our currency is quickly being turned into Monopoly money by these folks as they work for a one world currency, and government that will be run by them. We need to elect people like Ron Paul and others who openly call for the end to the Fed.
Fourth, SUPPORT STATE'S RIGHTS! A wise man said, "Countries are a fire-wall to tyranny". Well in our case states are a fire-wall to tyranny. State's rights are found in the eighth, and eleventh amendments of the Constitution. Any attempt at the Federal Government's infringement of these State's rights must be fought in the court.
Our government was not infiltrated over night, and there is no quick cure on how to get it back. The first step is this coming election. "We The People" need to make our voices heard loud and clear this election day. Get out and vote, and encourage others to do the same.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
"9 Steps to Financial Freedom" by Suze Orman - A Review of the Popular Financial Advisor's New Book
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People are searching for answers to finding financial freedom, and it is hard to know what information out there is going to be helpful, and what is not. This review is on one of Suze Orman's most famous books called "9 Steps to Financial Freedom". Hopefully I can give you some insight on whether this book can really help you find financial freedom.
Here is a preview of the 9 Steps to Financial Freedom by Suze Orman:
1 - Seeing how your past holds the key to your financial future
2 - Facing your fears and creating new truths
3 - Being honest with yourself
4 - Being responsible to those you love
5 - Being respectful of yourself and your money
6 - Trusting yourself more than you trust others
7 - Being open to receive all that you are meant to have
8 - Understanding the ebb and flow of the money cycle
9 - Recognizing true wealth
The Cons:
Even though Suze Orman has been very successful, some people believe that she is not very knowledgeable when it comes to the financial pressures that many people are facing. There are times when Orman contradicts herself, which can get confusing to the reader. The 9 steps to financial freedom that she provides are more of a self help guide to being positive and having inner peace when it comes to your finances, however most people are looking for clear-cut steps and this book does not provide that.
The Pros:
There are some very important points that Orman wrote in her 9 steps to financial freedom such as #5 which describes the need to get rid of debt and invest your money wisely. Also, there are many that will find this book very beneficial because the truth is that some people do need to change their way of thinking before they can begin the process to financial freedom. They are in denial and don't recognize what true wealth really is. Steps 3 and 9 are perfect examples of that. If you are one of those people...this book is for you!
My suggestion is to read Orman's "9 Steps to Financial Freedom" if it seems like the sort of info that would benefit you. Also if you are looking for a solution to your financial situation you might also want to consider looking online for more options that will provide you with the knowledge and stability to allow you to take more control of your financial future with a more recession-proof and flexible online career.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Hard Facts and a Caring Heart Make New Healthcare Book a Must Read
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Dr. Jeudi Boulom has learned the hard way the value and joy of having good health. After she and her family escaped suffering at the hands of the Khmer Rouge Regime in Cambodia, they made their way to the United States where they built a new life. From a country where she experienced hunger and malnutrition, Dr. Jeudi suddenly experienced American abundance and had to maneuver her way from filling her body with junk food to choosing healthy eating habits for herself and her family. That need for good nutrition was enhanced when her son became extremely ill; finding that the doctors were able to do little for him to keep him from having seizures, Dr. Jeudi researched and changed his diet so that today he can live a fairly normal life. As a successful chiropractor, Dr. Jeudi has continued to research wellness and the four key investment principles she provides in this book to creating a healthy life.
As a chiropractor, Dr. Jeudi has not only taught her patients about the value of maintaining good spinal care, but how accompanying regular chiropractic treatments with good nutrition and exercise can prevent health problems and allow people to live life to the fullest. Because her patients have so appreciated her caring and sharing of information, she has now written "Enhancing Your Life Now" to share her vision of a future healthy America with readers everywhere, a vision that can be achieved on an individual level with simple and fulfilling changes.
"Enhancing Your Life Now" will enhance your knowledge tenfold. Some of this information you may not want to hear, such as how your microwave is breaking down molecules in your food and thereby releasing toxins into your body, or about how the fumes in your home may be causing you to be sick. Other parts of the book, however, will make you ready to go out and buy more fruits and vegetables, not only because they are good for you, but because Dr. Jeudi explains in detail about their vitamin and mineral content and why the body needs specific nutrients to perform at its optimal level. Dr. Jeudi is very concise in describing the body's processes to turn food into energy and why the body has difficulty functioning when it is fed the wrong kind of food. Yes, there are plenty of health books out there, but Dr. Jeudi's is laid out with such easy to understand and find information that you will keep referring back to it again and again. She also provides simple recipes to help you keep your family healthy, and she gives practical tips for you to stay in shape.
What most shines through in this book is how Dr. Jeudi truly cares about people's health and wellbeing. Through the ordeal she endured for several years of seeing her son suffer and being unable to help him, she became an advocate for understanding the value of nutrition and what people can do to eliminate toxins from harming their bodies. The section on spinal care is especially informative, providing a history of chiropractic, explanations of its value, and testimonials from her patients both to the excellent care they received from her as well as her caring manner. Here is just part of one of those testimonials from a woman who was suffering from ulcers and finding no relief from the medication her doctor gave her:
I sought out a second opinion and Dr. Jeudi was my last stop. Somehow, for some unbelievable reason, chiropractic adjustments have helped to cure my gastritis and ulcers! Yes! I know, it's hard to see the correlation between spinal adjustments and ulcers, but that's what happened. On top of chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Jeudi informed me about nutritional supplements and ways I could benefit from them. I threw away all of my medications even though my mom thought I was crazy, and I think even my family doctor was surprised when I told him my medical condition was gone. Dr. Jeudi genuinely took my health into consideration and patiently educated me on my health. What I learned has stayed with me ever since. I am grateful to have found her.
If you are not yet convinced to read "Enhancing Your Life Now," perhaps it's because you are afraid of change, even though you know it is for the better. Dr. Jeudi addresses that fear and the need for change. She also encourages us to take a leadership role in our own health and in that of our community. She notes the alarming statistics of how unhealthy Americans are and how health problems are bankrupting us. She encourages us to do something now before it is too late to rectify the situation:
Don't wait until the president or Congress or anyone else passes a healthcare bill. Don't wait until you are diagnosed with a terminally ill condition. Don't wait until someone in your family is taken away from you by illness. Don't wait until the healthcare bills become law because that could be three or four years down the road. Start now. Start to create a healthy body for yourself today so you can enjoy your life tomorrow and for many years to come.
Dr. Jeudi has made me think twice about what I put in my body. She has taught me about the value of exercise, not only to look good but to remove toxins from my body, and she has provided additional information about how exercise works directly to improve health. While I might not go so far as some of her chiropractic clients in calling her an angel, I say bless Dr. Jeudi for her caring attitude and may her leadership example inspire us all.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wood Pergola Plans - How to Build a Wood Pergola With the Help of a Plan
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Wood Pergola Plans can help you save money over ready made kits while having fun doing it. They can come in any size and shape, from free standing pergolas, to attached pergolas, over the patio, or in the backyard. They may be built in a triangular, circular or more commonly rectangular shape. Wood is without a doubt the most appealing of materials as well as the most pliable.
Even if you are DIY novice, wood allows for mistakes and correction. The best woods for building a pergola, a deck or other outdoor structures are cedar and red wood. They are expensive to purchase to start with but they will pay themselves off over and over again often outliving their builder, if properly maintained.
Good wood pergola plans should provide simple yet accurate instructions even for the uninitiated. They are generally cheap and easy to implement, providing few basic criteria are met first. To start with, location is very important, as a pergola will have a dramatic visual effect on the whole garden landscape and house. Most importantly, you must be sure that the chosen site is free of underground utilities such as electric cables or gas and water pipes. Once sure, you can dig your holes up for the post foundations, rig up the main posts and find the right level with a simple water system (a bucket of water with a clear hose).
You may need the help of a buddy and/or renting few tools such as electric angle grinder, circular saw and drill. Nuts, bolts, nails and sandpaper are also on the agenda. All main beams, joists and rails should be cut and shaped with these tools following the wood pergola plans. To save time, do it while the cement foundations are setting into the post holes. Once found the right level and alignment, prop the main posts up temporarily and bolt the main beams to close the structure.
At this point you can remove the temporary rigging and start nailing the joists. The help of a buddy is always welcome to handle all the pieces, hold them up and lift them. The most common wood pergola plans are for free standing rectangular pergolas to be installed in the middle of the garden or backyard. For a very small investment, they can help you save $2000 to $3000 over ready made kits, depending on size. Consider that pergolas are not skyscrapers. On the contrary, they are relatively simple structure to build even for not technical people, making it very feasible to implement a DIY project and carry it to the end.
With a simple and accurate pergola design in your hand, you can have fun and have your own pergola done in as little as a week end. The only expensive investment is wood, which is better to be a high quality one for durability and weather resistance. You may also increase its toughness with a resin based wood stain to resist UVA and rain. A beautiful glossy stain further enhances the natural wood texture, making your pergola the center piece of your garden and increasing your property value as an extra bonus.
A New Book to Help Keep Kids Out of Gangs - Positive Force Triumphs!
From the very first sentence to the very last one, this book had me glued to the pages. The characters came to life and I could not wait to find out how a petite nurse named April O'Rielly was going to deal with a ghost known as the Red-headed Stranger.
It all started with sixty-year-old Ruth Woodman who not spoken a word in nearly twenty years since her son had died. Her silence was broken the day she and April saw the ghost who had been haunting the city of Oakwood. This was no average haunting, however. This ghost was better than Casper the friendly ghost; he was helping the police department defend the city against gang activity.
With a righteous reward for his death, Officer Brandon James had to defend himself and his boys from the retaliation of the gangs who had infiltrated the local high school. Good thing he met April O'Rielly. Not only was she lovely to look at, she and her sons were a lifesaver when it came to helping Brandon solve his criminal case.
What is this NEW gang coming on the scene? And, who is in it? Tommy, the other Tommy, Joe, Michael, Bryan, and Pudge as well as their new recruits. Surely the sons of April and Brandon are not involved in a gang! But, this is a special gang--one with a constitution and bylaws that does not believe in violence--a gang that works for the good of the community. A gang based on positive attributes instead of negative ones. Can this gang save the city of Oakwood? Only with the help of the Red-headed Stranger!
The book tracks a fabulous love story that unfolds among Brandon and April. There is also a "sleepover" in a warehouse with two gang members who are in love. The book safely touches the "hot" button without encouraging anyone to get burned. The story comes full circle as Ruth is reunited with her son.
Tim Stewart is one of those authors everyone will love. His kind personality comes through in his writing. Each character is developed with true-to-life persona. Each is cast in a believable role with slang dialog current to today's teenager, yet Stewart gets the point across without using "gutter" language. This may be especially appreciated by law enforcement officers, drug task force members, parents and others who are trying to rid our culture of gangster behavior. He offers a substitute--an alternative to being involved in violence and drugs. A teenage boy gets to the root of the problem by issuing a plea to parents to stay involved in the lives of their children. "By keeping the sports programs active; by keeping extracurricular activities available; by showing each other--staff, parents and students--that you care. Kids get involved in gangs because they want to belong to something. If we offer our students a place to belong they won't turn to gangs looking for acceptance."
The story is filled with humor. How can you not have humor when you have two generations and two families living under one roof while trying to understand one another? There are realistic clashes between parents and teens, sass and respect, with a dose of overall good reading. I highly recommend this book, not only to teens who love to read and parents who enjoy knowing what their kids are reading, but to those who work with troubled teens and to the teens already involved in gangs, who want a safe way to make an exit from an errant path.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sinus Headache
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Time to get started on this topic. Take a few moments to read every aspect of this paper hopefully it will be of great help.
Whenever we have a stuffy nose we feel that we are coming in for a cold. At these moments we will begin treatment for what we consider is a cold. Many times these medications can temporarily provide alleviation from the symptoms of the "cold" but they push aside the underlying cause.
That is the stuffed up nose is the cause of a sinus headache. A sinus headache occurs only when the sinus passage becomes congested with too much mucus. As the sinus transition is hollow they provide your nose with another way of breathing. Also the passage way is lined with membranes that make mucus. The nasal openings at the ends of your nose allows the mucous secretion to drain out without causing you any problems. In general a sinus headache is due to the fact that there is some swelling in the sinus cavity. This swelling can be found close to the nose and the eyes.
Other causes of sinus headaches are various allergies or infections.
For any sinus headache that is caused by an allergic reaction or an infection there is a strong chance that you may get a fever, stuffy nose or even toothaches.Sinus headache hurt is described as being a dull, deep or even severe hurting that is placed in the front of the face and the head. The inflammation in the sinus passage causes pain around the cheeks, eyes and the nose areas. Bending down or leaning over generally is found to gain the hardness of the pain. Sometimes sinus headache pain is found to become worse in cold weather conditions. Damp is also a contributing factor for sinus headaches.
By and large the sinus headache is very painful in the morning hours and it becomes better towards the afternoon. Two other types of headaches are sometimes mistaken for sinus headaches.These are vascular headaches and migraine headaches. Many sufferers of migraine headaches have found that their migraine headaches can cause similar types of head pain and sometimes nasal congestion. These people also state that changes in the weather condition or season can contribute towards their migraine headaches.In order to treat sinus headaches it is best to find the underlying cause first.
Once this problem has been identified it is possible to provide treatment for that condition first. This problem may be an allergy or an infection.
The use of nasal vasoconstrictors and pain pill medicine can be used. When the condition has been cleared then the treatment for sinus headache pain can begun.While a sinus headache can be problematic the condition is wholly treatable. Also they are simply annoying headaches rather than debilitating.
With reason our bodies and the various responses that can be found to sinus headaches we can find n-ways to prevent any future episodes of sinus headache pain. With this knowledge at our disposal we can plan a sinus headache free life.
I trust this article provided you with the info you were looking for.
I have many other articles online that may be of interest to you.
Glenn Beck Debates Democrat
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Alex Ross - Gatchaman part 1
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality (1956)
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality (1956) Review
Devout capitalist Ludwig von Mises deals with the unreasonable arguments put forth by some against the institution of capitalism. He connects capitalism to freedom and demonstrates that it is the operation of the free market economy that essentially gives freedom to the individuals. While laws and constitutions talk about these freedoms and may provide some level of protection for these liberties, they do not create the freedom itself. The practical freedom that most people think of comes from the market economy and the opportunity to "strive after the station they want to attain in the structure of the social division." Contrast that to a planned economy, claims von Mises, and you'll see that a free market economy is the source of the freedoms that we truly want and desire as individuals. The freedom to challenge the interests of others, the freedom to rise above one's own position and status, the freedom to make decisions that have real consequences - these are all things that the free market economy affords an individual which a planned economy or state-run economy inhibits.
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality (1956) Overview
In "The Anti-capitalistic Mentality", the respected economist Ludwig von Mises plainly explains the causes of the irrational fear and hatred many intellectuals and others feel for capitalism. In five concise chapters, he traces the causation of the misunderstandings and resultant fears that cause resistance to economic development and social change. He enumerates and rebuts the economic arguments against and the psychological and social objections to economic freedom in the form of capitalism. Written during the heyday of twentieth-century socialism, this work provides the reader with lucid and compelling insights into human reactions to capitalism.
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Monday, October 25, 2010
A New Book About Leadership
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Lee Iacocca is an 83 year old American leader who has just released yet another best-selling book. He is a self-made man who is probably best known for saving Chrysler Corporation from financial ruin but has also created an extremely impressive list of accomplishments that include the renovation of Ellis Island, overseeing creation of the minivan, organizing Join Lee Now (a group whose goal is to find a cure for diabetes). He is also a philanthropist who is committed to feeding the hungry.
Mr. Iacocca identified nine specific traits that are important for leadership in his new book "Where Have All the Leaders Gone?" They include:
1. Curiosity
2. Creativity
3. Communication
4. Character
5. Courage
6. Conviction
7. Charisma
8. Competence
9. Common Sense
Not every leader has all of the nine traits. In fact, some people are stronger in specific areas than in others and this allows them to be more suitable for some things than others. It is probably more important, for example, for a leader who is facing war to have courage than charisma whereas a politician usually benefits from charisma/
Mr. Iacocca also states that the crucial situation for leaders is CRISIS. It is easy to talk about things we would do if there is a problem and yet another thing to do them when the crisis occurs. We will likely all remember the powerful role that Mayor Rudy Giuliani played during and after the September 11th terrorist attack on New York a few years ago. His leadership skills not only helped to calm people but also brought organization to chaos.
Many individuals claim that they are "followers" and not "leaders" but I believe that every one of us is a leader in some capacity. Each of us has some of the traits that Mr. Iacocca has identified and we use them in various ways in our lives. Leadership is about influencing others and we all do that. It might be in our work, families or communities. We do not need to be the head of a large organization or movement to be classed as a leader. In fact, the smallest of activities can be viewed as a form of leadership. Think of the quiet teenager whose unusual choice of clothing starts a trend or the neighbour who mows the lawn in a pattern that later becomes popular throughout the block.
Whether we know it or not, we are all leaders in some manner. Even if we do not deliberate step out in a leadership role, we are being watched, admired and copied by others.
Which of the nine traits that Iacocca identified do you have as strengths? Which ones do you want to develop? Which would you use during a crisis?
It's just something to think about.
Today We're All Irish - Debt Serfdom Comes To America
On St. Patrick's Day, people of all national origins raise a glass and declare, "Today we're all a bit Irish!" This may be truer than we know. The Irish were driven to America by debt, and they are leading the Western world in household debt today. The London Daily Telegraph reported on March 13, 2008 that household debt in Ireland has reached 190 percent of disposable income, the highest in the developed world; and that the Irish banking system is suffering such acute strains from the downturn in the housing market that it may have to nationalize its banks. The same may soon be happening in the United States, and for much the same reasons.
A short review of the history of the Irish in North America reveals that few were here before 1845, when a disease struck the potato crops of Ireland, wiping out the chief or only source of food for many poor farmers. Famine continued for the next five years, killing over 2.5 million people. "God put the blight on the potatoes," complained the Irish farmers, "but England put the hunger upon Ireland." Farmers who were heavily in debt were shipped to England to pay the rent owed to their landlords. Impoverished Irish immigrants saved what little money they could to send family members across the Atlantic, traveling on overcrowded ships on which many died of disease or hunger on the way. When they arrived, the Irish men had to fight - often physically - to get labor jobs involving long hours and low pay; while the women worked mainly as servants (called "Brigets") to upper-class families. Despite their very low wages, they managed to send a bit of money back to their families, until other family members had enough to buy the ship tickets to America. In the American South (mainly New Orleans), the Irish lived in swamp land infested with disease. Here, Irish men were looked upon as actually lower than slaves. As one historian put it, if a plantation owner lost a slave, he lost an investment; if he lost a laborer, he could always get another. Because the Irish workers were plentiful and expendable, they were often sent in to do dangerous jobs for which the slave-owners were reluctant to send their valuable slaves.
This form of "debt slavery" or "debt peonage" was not just an accidental development of history. It was a deliberately-planned alternative to the slave arrangement in which owners were responsible for the feeding and care of a dependent population, and it is still with us today.
Although European financiers were in favor of an American Civil War that would return the United States to its colonial status, they admitted privately that they were not necessarily interested in preserving slavery. They preferred "the European plan": capital could exploit labor by controlling the money supply, while letting the laborers feed themselves. In July 1862, this ploy was revealed in a notorious document called the Hazard Circular, which was circulated by British banking interests among their American banking counterparts. It said:
"Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel slavery destroyed. This, I and my European friends are glad of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan, led by England, is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this, the bonds [government debt to the bankers] must be used as a banking basis. . . . It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, as we cannot control that."
A system of "debt peonage" is inextricably linked to a banking system in which money is issued privately by bankers and lent to the government rather than being issued as "greenbacks" by the government itself Today the "European plan" has evolved into the private central banking system, and it has come to dominate the economies of the world. A private central bank creates money simply by printing it or entering it as an accounting entry, then lends it to the federal government in exchange for government bonds or debt. Private commercial banks create many more dollars in the same way, advancing money created as accounting-entry loans without even incurring the cost of a printing press. Except for coins, the entire U.S. money supply is now created as a debt to private bankers. Banks create the principal but not the interest necessary to pay back their loans, so more money is always owed back than was put into the money supply in the first place. More loans must therefore continually be taken out to cover the interest, spiraling the economy into increasing levels of debt and inflation, in a futile attempt to repay principal and interest on a debt that is actually impossible to repay. The result is "debt peonage," and it has systematically reduced the people to working for the company store, bound to their corporate masters for the food, shelter and health care formerly provided by slave owners under the old physical-slave system.
This is not the only way to run an economy. Until 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the European system of debt peonage competed with what was called "the American system" - debt-free government-issued dollars generated by provincial governments to pay their expenses. This "greenback" system was not actually used in the United States after the American colonies became a nation, except during the Civil War; but the "American system" flourished for decades in colonial America. Paper money was issued by local provincial governments not only to pay their own expenses but as commercial loans. The most effective and efficient of these government-issued money systems was in Pennsylvania, where a publicly-owned bank issued paper notes and lent them to farmers. Since this money returned to the government, it did not inflate the money supply; and since the government issued and spent an additional sum of money on public works, enough money was kept in the system to pay the interest on the loans and prevent the debt spiral afflicting the private banking system. The Pennsylvania system worked so well that it completely funded the provincial government without taxes or inflation.
Benjamin Franklin and others maintained that the chief reason for the American Revolution was that Parliament forbade the colonies from issuing their own money. Paper money issued by the Revolutionary government got the colonists through the Revolutionary War, but the British heavily counterfeited this money as a deliberate war tactic, and by the end of the war it had been inflated so much that it was nearly worthless. Fear of inflation led the Continental Congress to completely omit paper money from the Constitution, which does not say who can issue paper money or under what circumstances. The private banks filled the breach, and by 1913 the United States had the same private central banking system that England had.
Today, the pyramid scheme of lending 10 dollars and requiring 11 back has resulted in the very inflationary spiral the Founding Fathers feared. The money supply is inflated with more and more debt, shrinking the value of the dollars paid to workers and propelling larger and larger portions of the population into debt peonage. If the government were to issue its own money rather than borrowing from banks that issued it, and if this money were used to pay for real goods and services (roads and bridges, sustainable energy development, health services, and the like), demand and supply would remain in balance and inflation would not result. A government with a properly designed and monitored system of publicly-issued money could fund itself without taxes, inflation or debt.
Publicly-owned banks are also called "national" banks or "nationalized" banks - the very thing that threatens the private banking system in Ireland today. We have come full circle: a system of national banks is what used to be called "the American system." This may be what we actually need - a public banking system operating for the benefit of the public. The private European system of debt peonage has failed. Today, we the modern-day Irish of all persuasions can raise a glass to the possibility of being freed from the debt peonage that has kept us wage-slaves for most of our national history.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Obama Rosie Bill Maher call for Communism - DRAG them to it - Overton Window Glenn Beck
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Walkthrough 08 (2/8)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The 9th Judgment (Women's Murder Club)
The 9th Judgment (Women's Murder Club) Review
Detective Lindsay Boxer has to prove she can solve the crimes that her and her partner Rich have come to be involved in...putting her life in danger, as well as his.
While returning to their patrol car in a garage of a shopping center they find a mother and young child brutally murdered, with only one clue to work with: a message splashed across the windshield in lipstick..just 3 letters was all there clues other than that.
Later that night the wife of actor Marcus Dowling is confronted by a thief stealing her amazing jewels, but later her lifeless body is found in the bedroom by her husband. The town of San Francisco is thrown into terror over the brutal murders of women, and children.
Lindsay is confronted with doubts about her ability to solve these murders, and with her ever-growing desire for her partner, even though she is engaged to another doesn't help ease her anxiety.
Lindsay is then forced to put her life on the line to try to catch the murderer, and put an end to the senseless killings! But is she too late; is it enough to save the city from more brutal murders?
James Patterson keeps you on the edge of your seat! You won't be able to put this book down to the end! A great action packed adventure.
The 9th Judgment (Women's Murder Club) Feature
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The 9th Judgment (Women's Murder Club) Overview
The most personal
A young mother and her infant child are ruthlessly gunned down while returning to their car in the garage of a shopping mall. There are no witnesses, and Detective Lindsay Boxer is left with only one shred of evidence: a cryptic message scrawled across the windshield in bloodred lipstick.
The most dangerous
The same night, the wife of A-list actor Marcus Dowling is woken by a cat burglar who is about to steal millions of dollars' worth of precious jewels. In just seconds there is a nearly empty safe, a lifeless body, and another mystery that throws San Francisco into hysteria.
The most exciting Women's Murder Club novel ever
Lindsay spends every waking hour working with her partner, Rich--and her desire for him threatens to tear apart both her engagement and the Women's Murder Club. Before Lindsay and her friends can piece together either case, one of the killers forces Lindsay to put her own life on the line--but is it enough to save the city? With unparalleled danger and explosive action, The 9th Judgment is James Patterson at his compelling, unstoppable best!
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The Pocket R.L.S., being favourite passages from the works of Stevenson
The Pocket R.L.S., being favourite passages from the works of Stevenson Review
The Pocket R.L.S., being favourite passages from the works of Stevenson Overview
The Pocket R.L.S., being favourite passages from the works of Stevenson is presented here in a high quality paperback edition. This popular classic work by Robert Louis Stevenson is in the English language. If you enjoy the works of Robert Louis Stevenson then we highly recommend this publication for your book collection.
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Friday, October 22, 2010
David Byrne & Brian Eno - Life is Long
The Right of Passage
The Right of Passage. by Rev. Anthony Smith
Isaiah 64:6-64:6
In this world today there are many rights of passage from boyhood to manhood, different cultures and different ways. Many are extremely dangerous. For one reason or another these rights of passage became into being and very popular. Most of them come about because of cults and witchcraft. Many of these rights end up with the death of the participant, many with the foreknowledge of the parents.
The right of Passage that I want to speak of today is Sainthood. I have no intention of putting anyone down for their belief's but to enlighten all in the word of God. For it doesn't matter what you believe, what matters is what the Word of God says. Did you ever wonder what or whom a Saint is? The dictionary says a saint is; "A person officially recognized, especially by canonization,[To declare (a deceased person){ The Apostle Paul wasn't talking to dead people when He called them Saints, was He?} to be a saint and entitled to be fully honored as such.
To include in the biblical canon. To include in a literary canon.
To approve as being within canon law.
To treat as sacred; glorify{ The Bible says to Glorify God, not man}.], as being entitled to public veneration and capable of inter-ceding for people on earth. An extremely virtuous person." As I looked at this definition, I thought, "If this is a saint then were all in trouble." Do I really need to be, canonized, officially recognized, an intercessor for people or an extremely virtuous person to be a saint ? And believe it or not I found the answer was NO. I found that anyone can be and are Saints of God. Weather man, recognizes, qualifies, justifies, or puts a good housekeeping seal of approval on it.
I know your going to ask,"Who then is a Saint?" The answer, Everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, thats who. Lets look at "A person officially recognized " Officially recognized by who? Man? And if so, where did this authority come from, man or God? If from God then where in scripture is it found? Then if its from man, do they over-step their authority that only comes from God? An intercessor for people? 1Ti 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;. Is there another intercessor or mediator, between God and Man except Jesus? If so, again where is His authorization, where does it come from? So what is the right of passage for a Saint? "keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." Lets read a little.
Saints, saints, saints There are 95 verses in Scripture that declair, who is a Saint by the Standards of God and not man. Mat 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,Where these people canonized? No, recognised ? Yes by God. Acts 9:13 Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem: What about these people? Canonized? No. Recognized ? Yes by God. Act 9:32 And it came to pass, as Peter passed throughout all quarters, he came down also to the saints which dwelt at Lydda. Or these? Canonized? No. Recognized ? Yes by God. And what about an extremely virtuous person?, The Apostle Paul never once said, that He was, nor anyone else in Scripture ever call Paul "an extremely virtuous person"
1Ti 1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. Acts 26:10 Which thing I also did in Jerusalem: and many of the saints did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them. I thought "an extremely virtuous person" had to be a righteous person? So what does God have to say about our righteousness? Isa 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Rom 7:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
So then we ask ourselves, Do we worship or pray to Saints? No. The Bible is very, very clear on this matter. Mat 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Rev 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Rev 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. Rom 8:27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Eph 1:1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: Col 1:2 To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. I know that there are some who will say," We are just honoring them." Thats OK. but who do we honor according to scripture? In the New Testament the word Honor is mentioned 50 times.1 Peter 2:17 Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king. 2Ti 2:21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. Rom 13:7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.
1Co 12:23 And those members of the body, which we think to be less honorable, upon these we bestow more abundant honor; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. Romans 2:10 But glory, honor, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: So what am I actually saying about Saints and men who worship them and pray to them and hold them higher than others? Saints are called, predestinated, Justified and glorified-only by God.
Romans 8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. We are all Saints whom believe in the name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We need no other justification than our Faith in Him. It doesn't need to be written down in mans books, that will perish away at the end of all things but we are written down in a Book that will never perish and never fade away. The Lambs Book of Life.
So what is our right of Passage from sinner to saint? John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. 1 John 3:14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. ars
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Homeowners Demand The Help and Respect They Deserve
As the number of homeowners defaulting on their home loans in Utah increases and the foreclosure rate in our state continues to rise, it has become clear that the need for change and educating homeowners must rise higher.
Many of these foreclosures are the result of the failing economy, job market and the sub prime lending practices of the banks. Homeowners trusted loan officers when being told that an Adjustable Rate Mortgage was a good avenue to get into the home with the promise of refinancing at the time the interest rate would adjust. This promise, sales tactics and quite frankly increased bonus programs for the loan officers have devastated homeowners and more importantly families.
It has become the sad truth that most of these families will throw up their hands and walk away from their homes, usually after being bullied with collection tactics while trying to work with the banks. Most are to embarrassed to ask for help before its too late or just don't know where to turn. Although most homeowners that have tried to the point of exhaustion for one or two years to work with their banks to save their homes, most ending up in a bogus agreement that benefits only the bank.
There have been many reports that it is becoming impossible for homeowners to negotiate with their banks without the help of a third party negotiator representing them in the negotiations. As many homeowners have reported, so much frustration lies in the fact that when they call their bank or lender they never get the same representative twice, the person they speak with will not give their names, and in some cases they find themselves talking to someone in India. More frustration comes with the never ending stream of paperwork submitted that seems to disappear once it leaves the homeowners hands.
Homeowners need to understand that there are no guarantees in anything when dealing with the banks, but throwing your hands up in defeat (and walking away from the security of the home that you have worked so hard to provide for your family) is not the answer. Continue to fight for what is and should be yours. If it takes involving a third party negotiator....get one. Just be very sure that the company you choose is reputable. Ask questions, mainly determine if that company is in it for the quick buck, or for the greater good. And most of all....if you are offered a Money Back Guarantee.....RUN!!! There is no such thing in this industry.
Neti - Jalaneti or Nasal Cleansing
For smooth respiration, it is necessary that both the nostrils should be clear, with the passage inside them fully open for the movement of air. This is usually not the case with many people. It is found that one nostril works more freely than the other, sometimes the left, at other times the right. It therefore becomes necessary often to clear the nasal passage through me means. Some people habitually have one nostril partially choked. There is a kriya called Neti, which is very useful for making both the nostrils clear. A thick thread made by interlacing three or four thinner threads) softened with butter or oil, is passed through one of the nostrils, and is taken out through the mouth. The thread may be about one foot in length. Holding the two ends of the thread (one from the nostril and the other from the mouth) in the hands, the inside of the nasal passage is rubbed by pulling both the ends of the thread alternatively to and fro. When one nostril is cleaned, the thread is taken out from the mouth. After washing the thread with clean water, it may be inserted through the other nostril, and the whole procedure may be repeated. This is described in the Hathayoga - Pradipika . Instead of a thread of cotton fibre, a rubber catheter of suitable thickness may be used with advantage. A mild form of Neti can be performed with lukewarm water to which a pinch of table salt is added. A feeding cup with a long spout is required for this purpose. The cup is filled with water, and stooping a little forward and tilting the head on one side, the spout is inserted slightly inside the upper nostril, and water is poured into it. Water should not be allowed to go down the throat. It comes out through the other (lower) nostril. The procedure may be repeated by tilting the head on the other side, and pouring water through the other nostril which now comes up.
Drinking water through the nose may be called a modified form of Neti. Water (which should not be too cold or hot) is taken in a bowl, and both the nostrils are partly dipped in it. Now tilting the bowl a little, the water is allowed to go down the nostrils, by Sucking very gently. This causes irritation of the inside of the nasal passage, in the beginning, because water comes in contact with the upper side of the nasal passage, which is very delicate. In course of time one learns how to allow the water to pass only through the lower part of the nasal passage, and then there is no irritation. Drinking water through the nose is a very useful practice, especially in warm climate, because it cleans the ;nasal passage, and has a soothing and refreshing effect not only on the nasal canal, but on the brain and the eyes as well. Traditionally. water is kept in a clean copper vessel at night and is drunk through the nose early in the morning. An experienced person can easily empty a full glass of water through the nose within one or two minutes. It is, of course necessary to clean the,nose in the usual manner before drinking water through it. Yogic breathing can be enjoyed better when both the nostrils are thus made clear. Persons having a deviated nasal septum or any other disorder of the nose, would however do well to obtain medical advice before taking to the practice of yogic breathing.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
CHP Officer Cloze Reading Test Strategies
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For many prospective California Highway Patrol (CHP) candidates, the portion of the CHP testing regimen known as the Cloze Test presents the greatest challenge when developing a winning preparation plan. For the uninitiated, the Cloze Test consists of paragraphs of information that are missing numerous words. The paragraphs are to be read, analyzed, and the correct missing words added to complete the sentences.
Like any challenge, the Cloze Test is simple to master once its various elements are identified. You study what makes it tick, and you gain control of your success with it.
First of all, what is this over 50 year old test evaluating about you and your capabilities?
Briefly, the Cloze Test was named for a psychological term for 'closure', meaning the ability to perceive the whole of a thing once given certain parts of it. The purpose of the Cloze Test is to determine your ability to perceive what is being said in one sentence using the words surrounding it. The whole being perceived is not only the particular sentence, but the entire paragraph it within.
Your capability to comprehend what you are reading, to deduce the missing words through review of known 'facts' - the other words in the test paragraph, and to make correct choices based only on the information presented - without embellishment or opinion is being evaluated throughout the Cloze Test.
There is no 'trick' to success in this process and there are no 'trick' deleted words. The deleted words can always be determined by studying and correctly comprehending the context of the paragraph. The deleted word will not be impossible to determine or require any 'guessing' on the part of the Cloze test taker. Your ability to understand sentence and paragraph structure and comprehend the overall - the whole - of what is being communicated will do a lot to help you ace the Cloze Test.
Let's look at a few simple points that may break the whole down and clarify the 'pieces' of the Cloze Test.
Each missing word is indicated by a specific number of dashes. Each dash represents a missing letter in the missing word. The word you choose must have the same number of letters as there are dashes.
Pick your words to fit the entire context, not just the sentence. If the context addresses a narrow topic, then pick words that relate directly to the context. If the context is broader, then there may be several words that can be scored as correct.
The English language has certain characteristics that are exploited in the Cloze Test:
1. Redundancy - core phrases make up an informative sentence, once the core phrase is identified, the redundant words in the sentence that support it are easily identified.
2. Transitional Probability - certain words are commonly used in certain situations: the phrase "_ _ _ _ _ birthday, Bob" has a high probability of "happy" being the missing word, as opposed to "merry", due to its degree of common use.
3. Reading Hypothesis - combining acquired information (reading) with accumulated information (stored knowledge) to draw a correct conclusion automatically. Stored knowledge is applied to whatever is being read and confirming words are accepted with ease, however, conflicting words or concepts will stop the reading process until they can be validated. This makes reading familiar subjects more easy to comprehend - and unfamiliar ones more difficult.
Is there any kind of Cloze Test strategy? This can depend on the individual processes you have developed for comprehending what you read, but you might keep the following in mind:
1. Read the entire passage before entering any deleted words. This ensures that you get the main focus of the passage information.
2. Next, go back through and enter the words that immediately come to mind.
3. Return to these entered words and ensure that the number of letters match the number of dashes.
4. Look at the remaining deleted words and the surrounding words to determine is the missing word is a noun, verb, adjective, etc.
5. Next, check again to determine if the deleted word should be in past or present tense and if it is singular or plural.
6. Still stumped? Review the context of the passage before and after the deleted word again. How does the sentence relate to the passage? What information is the focus in this portion of the passage? Remember, the deleted word will be either a redundancy of the core phrase or will directly relate to the passage context.
7. Do your best and understand that the Cloze Test is difficult and it is doubtful that you be certain every word choice you have made is correct.
A final tip is simply this: read, read, read. Take every opportunity to read passages on subjects with which you are familiar and unfamiliar and your reading comprehension will improve - as will your chance to ace the Cloze Test!
Glenn Beck Overton Window theory
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sonic and the Black Knight - HD - Part 12 - [Knight's Passage 01]
Don't question your government or else
Monday, October 18, 2010
Comprehending Comprehension - Standardized Test Taking Strategies For Reading
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Which of the following relationships is most similar to the relationship below?
Standardized testing: life success
weather: climate
rain: snow
weather: happiness
stormy: weather
This is the last in a three part series about preparing your child for the end of year exams. Whatever your opinion about the necessity and validity of testing, you cannot change the fact that your child will soon be handed a bubble sheet and asked to remember material from an entire year. As I have mentioned before, it is important to approach test taking with balance. Don't add to the inherent stressfulness of the situation by loading your child down with extra study and work. Your goal is not to add to your child's knowledge, but to help them effectively use and retrieve what they already know. Here are some last minute standardized test taking strategies to give your kids:
Reading for (no) fun. Don't expect to enjoy reading the passages. They're often very boring. One of our boys once read about the migration habits of geese.
First things first. When you first turn to a reading passage, see if you can tell if it is fiction, non-fiction, drama, poetry, or something else. Don't worry if you don't know.
What's your question? Read the questions before you read the passage.
Just the facts, ma'am. Mark which questions are asking for "just the facts". Many times they will begin with words like who, when, or where.
Read my lips. Read the passage. If it helps, it's okay to move your lips, although you can't make any sound.
That's the answer! As you read, if you find an answer to one of the questions, underline it.
Where to find it. Know where to look for answers. Remember:
Answers about where or where the story takes place are frequently found at the beginning of the passage.
Solutions to a problem in the story are usually found in the middle.
Answers about how the problem is solved are often found at the end.
Like, it's like... Remember, when reading analogies, state the relationship in your head. For example, say "standardized test scores have nothing to do with life success" just like "weather has nothing to do with happiness".
Sunday, October 17, 2010
First Menstruation Rite of Passage Ritual
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Rituals are society's way of teaching and maintaining the culture. To
restore the matrilineal lines of initiation (old women teaching young
women) rituals are essential. A menarche (first menstruation) ritual can
make this time easier and more meaningful for both the young women
beginning menstruation, and her mother. Such a ritual comforts the
young woman and lets her know that her feelings are natural and have
been shared by women throughout time. It focuses the attention of the
community on the young women's needs at this time in her life. And it
instructs the young woman about what her family and society expect of
her now that she is entering womanhood.
When your daughter's first menstruation arrives, congratulate her, love
her, and make sure you take care of her immediate physical and
emotional needs. Then call together your community of women to
participate in the ritual you have planned. Let other women support and
nurture you both at this time. Don't worry if some of the women are
embarrassed by the idea of a moon-time ritual. Their feelings will be
healed as they join in the honoring of your daughter. And please don't
put off your daughter's ritual because she is shy and doesn't want to tell
anyone "she has started." This is her moment. I recommend helping her
to face it and feel good about it. Surround her with women she loves and
who love her. You may be surprised, especially if you have never
attended a menarche ritual, at the healing and joy that accompany such
a gathering.
At most menarche rituals, women only are present. The men of the
family, and the young girls who have not yet begun menstruation, are
invited to congratulate the new woman after the ritual, and give her gifts.
Begin your ritual by creating a sacred space in whatever way feels
comfortable to you and to your friends and family. Turn off all phones
(and cell phones) and put "Do Not Disturb" signs on the doors. Light
candles or incense, play soft music or drum softly, read poetry or sit in
An altar is a common way to create a sacred space. Altars help us
remember and focus on what is meaningful for us. The objects on the
altar are symbolic of the theme of the ritual. We may have symbols of the
Earth, pictures or statues of great or holy people or pictures of revered
family members. Flowers and other decorations are welcome. A flower
garland, to be worn later by the new woman, can be on the altar.
Another way to create a sacred space is to make a circle with a red rope.
Our community has a rope that has been dyed red, which is used at
many community rituals. You can also sprinkle herbs around the outside
of the circle.
As you enter the sacred space, purify your minds and hearts of daily
concerns. You can sprinkle everyone with water, or throw flower petals
over everyone, or smudge-whatever feels to you like dropping the
mundane. Smudging symbolizes cleaning off negative energy and
preparing for the sacred ritual. You can buy smudge sticks at most food
coops, natural food stores, or stores that sell herbs. Or pick some herbs
from your garden, wind cotton string around them to form a "stick" a few
inches long and one to three inches in diameter. Hang the herb stick in
a warm dry place for two to four weeks. At your ritual, light the stick, let it
burn for a few seconds and then extinquish it. It will continue to smoke.
You then "smudge" each other or yourself by letting the smoke drift
around the body.
The Woman's Blessing: At your ritual, have ready a dish of clean sand or
corn meal. (I use a large clay flowerpot base and fill it with sand.) Ask
the new woman to step into the dish of sand or corn meal, leaving her
footprints. (Have a towel for her to wipe her feel afterwards.)
Each woman comes forward, lights a candle, and puts it into the
footprints in the sand or corn meal, which represent the new woman's
journey on Mother Earth. Each woman then gives her woman's
blessings, such as: "I am Marie, sister of Georgia Ann, daughter of Selia,
granddaughter of Mary Ann and Christina, mother of Christina and
Elizabeth, grandmother of Erika, Clara, and Savannah Rose. I ask all
the women of my line to bless, teach, and protect (Name of new woman)
on her journey through all the cycles of Grandmother Moon.
After each woman has made her blessings, the new woman lights a
candle and puts it into the same dish of sand. She gives her woman's
introduction, and accepts the blessings of all the women. "I
am......,daughter of......., granddaughter of....... I accept your blessings,
and thank you all.
The new woman must be adorned in some way. I suggest decorating
her hands with henna. Henna is an herb that dyes the skin a red-orange
color that turns to brown the next day. Henna kits are available at natural
food stores or on the Internet. Flower crowns or garlands are also
beautiful. After the adornment, gifts may be given that have some
significance to her passage. Red jewelry is traditional. Red underpants
are useful! Each gift is given with some ritual words such as, "I am giving
you this book on the life of .............because I have always found her life
to be an inspiration. I know you will find your own path in life and be an
equal inspiration to all of us."
Songs may be sung, poems recited, stories told. Continue with some
symbolic ceremony of passage. Women have invented a variety of ways
to create a passage ritual for their daughters entering puberty. The
women may stand in two lines with arms raised, forming an archway.
The new woman stands at the entrance to the archway. She holds a few
toys representing her childhood. She has been asked to bring the toys
to the ritual to be given to the younger children of the community.
However, she is not asked to bring all her toys, or her favorite toys,
because aspects of the child remain within all of us and continue to be
treasured throughout our lives.
The young woman's grandmother leads the passage ritual. If her
grandmother is not present, then a grandmother figure may be chosen
to represent her. The grandmother asks, "Who approaches this
passage?" The new woman gives her name. Grandmother continues, "
("New woman's name,) it is time for you to leave behind your childhood
and become a member of the circle of women. When you are ready to
do so, leave your toys behind, and walk through the archway." The new
woman puts down her toys and walks through the arch. As she comes to
the end of the archway, the women ring bells, throw flower petals, and
cheer. Everyone kisses and hugs the new woman.
Closing prayers and/or songs end the ritual.
After the ritual the men of the family and the girls who have not yet
begun menstruation are invited to congratulate the new woman and
present gifts. Everybody joins in food and friendship.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Stone Of Help: Autobiography (1915)
The Stone Of Help: Autobiography (1915) Review
The Stone Of Help: Autobiography (1915) Overview
This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishings Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting, preserving, and promoting the worlds literature. Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 16, 2010 20:05:09
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Walkthrough - Part 46
Friday, October 15, 2010
Jane Eyre and the Gothic
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This article analyzes the role of the Gothic in Jane Eyre, concentrating on this genre's allusive presence in the passage detailing the protagonist's terrifying ordeal in the red-room, where she experiences a variety of contrasting emotions. First I will be highlighting a range of the author's narrative techniques and examining how they help to establish character and convey emotion, before briefly considering the selected passage's influence over the rest of the novel. My contention is that through the revision of certain literary modes, Brontë succeeds in creating a heightened sense of reality. She achieves this in part through effectively mobilizing eighteenth-century Gothic conventions.
'Anger' is the first of Jane's emotions and the author habitually delineates her heroine's mental turmoil by juxtaposing the girl with her environment: "What a consternation of soul was mine that dreary afternoon!" (p.15). The use of the word "tumult" in the succeeding sentence is intriguing as it not only reflects Jane's conflict of emotions but also alludes to her rebellious streak, a notion strengthened by the word "insurrection". Explanation marks also serve to consolidate the protagonist's indignation.
Jane's anger largely stems from her sense of confusion at her aunt's unjust treatment: "I could not answer the ceaseless inward question - why I thus suffered" (p.15). The concept of multiple narrators is apparent in the presence of an older Jane who is able to reflect on the possible qualities (sanguine, handsome, romping etc) that may have endeared her to the Reed household, qualities the child Jane seems never to have acknowledged. The Russian literary theorist and philosopher of language Mikhail Bakhtin refers to the presence of several competing narrative voices as 'dialogic form', and through this approach, Brontë is seemingly able to convey several emotions at once - the 'confusion' felt by the child Jane is juxtaposed with the 'clarity' of the adult Jane. This style of first-person narrative, with its alternating immediacy and retrospection, although suggestive of autobiography, also puts forward the notion of veracity as we are not sure which Jane to believe. Frequent repetitions of "I" keep the reader conscious of the adult Jane, while the employment of the word 'thing' to describe the child Jane assists to establish a distance between them.
Jane Eyre is a novel steeped in symbolism, much of which is evident in the red-room. The combined forces of beating rain and howling wind seem to play a part in quelling the protagonist's anger: "fell damp on the embers of my decaying ire" (p.16). Through the use of the word "embers" Jane's sudden spark of anger is figuratively likened to fire, an element which functions as a recurrent metaphor throughout the novel, symbolizing hearth and home on the one hand as well as fury, rebellion and purgation on the other. The reader gathers that 'anger' isn't Jane's usual temperament however as she describes her "habitual mood of humiliation, self-doubt, forlorn depression" (p.16) returning. The last of these sentiments ascends a temporary dominance as Jane's thoughts turn to the morbid, with her powerfully introspective imagination - of which the reader is given frequent access - envisaging the vault under Gateshead Church as "an inviting bourne" (p.16). It is here where the traditional Gothic is subtly invoked, with the words: "death", "die", "vault", "buried", and "dread", all featuring in the one paragraph.
Intimations of the Gothic fittingly lead to Jane experiencing her final emotion in the red-room: 'fear'. Her morbid reverie moves on to thoughts of her late uncle returning from his grave to avenge his wife's injustices; imaginings that betray the novel's intertextuality, as the reader is under the impression that they derive in part from Jane's earlier perusal of Bewick's vignettes. The heroine's anxiety is conveyed in both vocabulary and sentence structure, with the words "horror" and "agitation" abounding, while clusters of sentences are comprised of short clauses - characteristic of Brontë's writing - which serve to heighten tension as well as create a quasi-poetic feel. Despite the distance established by the adult narrator, the reader feels in close proximity to the child Jane, aided in part through descriptions of her physical sensations: "My heart beat thick, my head grew hot" (p.17). The language conveys a rapidly escalating sense of fear as Jane's anxiety moves on to terror before climaxing in panic with her "wild, involuntary cry" (p.17). It is vital to realize that the vivid descriptions of Jane's environment, such as those depicting the red-room, are not intended to be merely decorative, but instead function as a powerful internalizing technique that exploit early Gothic conventions to enhance the portrayal of her inner life.
The scene in the red-room exerts a considerable influence over the rest of the novel. Certain situations, themes and metaphors recur again and again throughout the story, and the protagonist's early confinement foreshadows subsequent narrative events, most notably Bertha's appearance, which signals the decisive introduction of the Gothic. Rochester's mad wife's destruction of Thornfield is subtly anticipated during Jane's red-room experiences, when she "endeavoured to be firm" (p.17), structurally anticipating the insanity that may ensue if she succumbs to her rage.
An understanding of the red-room's significance is crucial for an appreciation of Jane Eyre, for in this scene, Brontë makes several important developments in the establishment of her heroine's character. This is achieved through an effective use of language, utilizing a range of narrative techniques as well as reworking certain literary modes, all of which have a combined effect in conveying emotion, creating a dramatically complex psychological portrait.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Plays of Philip Massinger: Adapted for Family Reading, and the Use of Young Persons, by the Omission of Objectionable Passages
The Plays of Philip Massinger: Adapted for Family Reading, and the Use of Young Persons, by the Omission of Objectionable Passages Review
The Plays of Philip Massinger: Adapted for Family Reading, and the Use of Young Persons, by the Omission of Objectionable Passages Overview
This is an EXACT reproduction of a book published before 1923. This IS NOT an OCR'd book with strange characters, introduced typographical errors, and jumbled words. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 14, 2010 12:00:33
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Thief N Da Hood (Part 2)
The Thief N Da Hood (Part 2) Review
The Thief N Da Hood (Part 2) Overview
In Part 2 of this book: Find whatever happens to The Thief N Da Hood. You'll find out truly if he's the everyday thief or is there more to this character that is above all characters. A familiar story with a interesting twist at the end. Now you'll see if he's the good guy as he saves the day? He finally finds true happiness with his heart desire as he is not labeled what society labeled him to be.
Find out how he gets to true happiness and what he does to show he is not a common thief.
Copyright © 2010 Steviesha T. Publishing.
Available at Amazon Check Price Now!
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 13, 2010 23:25:51